  • 期刊


Cyberspace, Virtual Community and March 18 Student Movement: Take Numbers of PTT and Gossiping for Example




There are many types of space in the world. The physical world can affect virtual communities through cyberspace, while responses and reactions from virtual communities can just as much affect the physical world. The Sunflower Student Movement is the biggest social movement in Taiwan in recent years instigated mainly by students and civil groups. Despite lacking sound political and economic foundations, they still effectively carried out communication and mobilization. One of the reasons is their effective use of the Internet. There are numerous qualitative and static discourses from past research on cyberspace and the physical world. However, quantified and dynamic research is comparatively few. This paper focuses on PTT and "Gossiping Board". Due to quantitative changes in virtual communities, it is necessary to review all events that have taken place during the student movement, such as the ones that attracted more attention and vice-versa. Results indicate that announcements from the Presidential Office Building and the Executive Yuan did not trigger significant quantitative changes in virtual communities. Had the government paid heed to online public opinion and made changes accordingly, they probably wouldn’t have to end the movement under passive circumstances. Lastly, the SARIMA model is used to predict changes in PTT and Gossiping Board users, yielding great accuracy. The findings may serve as references for future political observations and social mobilization.


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