  • 期刊

A Study of Toni Morrison's Effort to Deconstruct the Sociological Concepts of Ethnocentrism and the Assimilation Model in Her "The Bluest Eye" (1970)





Ethnocentrism is a very important sociological concept that is formulated as a universal characteristic of autonomous societies or ethnic groups. According to this concept, in-group members always regard their values, goals, and interests as the center of everything, and the out-group members are rated and scaled with reference to them. As a result, in-group members are eager to look for grounds for the negative evaluation of the out-group. However, Toni Morrison, a female African-American writer who won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Literature, reveals in her first novel ”The Bluest Eyes” (1970) that large numbers of black characters seem to feel ashamed of their skin color and constantly experience a denial of their racial identity and themes of blackness in the emulation of white standards in the larger society. Their readiness to acculturate, however, fails to facilitate their socio-economic assimilation; instead, it puts them on an increasingly unequal and servile footing with the majority whites. Morrison is also critical of the assimilation model in American sociology, dismissing its assumption as so unrealistic as to ignore the constant reinvention of ethnicity and its seething resistance to what Milton Gordon (1961) called ”Anglo-conformity.” Obviously, Morrison's purpose is to tantalize the structuralist notion underlying the dual or binary oppositions between black and white, bad and good, the marginalized and the ”mainstream,” sordid reality and fairy tale of the white myth, as well as inferiority and superiority. However, in doing so she unwittingly ”deconstructs” the root notions of ethnocentrism and the assimilation model that has been widely favored by sociologists since Robert Park.
