  • 期刊


The Effect of Tobacco Control Intervention Program among Adolescent Students in Zhang-Hua County, Taiwan





Objective: To assess the effect of an antismoking program focusing on students from junior and senior high schools in Zhang-Hua County. Method: A Qusai-experimental study design with intervention in disonance was employed. The experimental group received eight antitobacco related classes as the treatment during a one-year period while the comparison group only received two tobacco control tests administered by the North West Health station in Zhang-Hua County. Pre-test and post-test questionnaires regarding student's knowledge, attitudes, behaviors about smoking were surveyed. Sample: Several junior and senior high schools in Zhang-Hua County were chosen based on a purposive sampling method. Students from the above mentioned schools were later selected randomly based on their grade year and class. Both subjects from experimental group and the comparison group came from different schools. 259 subjects who participated the tobacco intervention programs were selected as experimental group and 156 students who took the two tests were in the comparion group. The average age for the subjects isl5 years old. Result: multiple Regression Analysis were employed to analyze the data. When compared with comparison group, junior high school subjects from the experimental group demonstrated a significant improvement in tobacco control related knowledge, attitudes, and behavior after the intervention than that of the comparison group. However, subjects from the senior high school did not show any change after the intervention programs. Conclusion: In the short term, an intervention based on improving anti- smoking knowledge, attitudes and behavioral changes should not be interrupted. Evidence indicates that the anti-tobacco education will be most effective if the programs start as early as in Junior high school or even early. Further research should focus on developing an effective anti-smoking curriculum, followed by a long-term evaluation plan.
