  • 期刊


Analysis on the Weekly Teaching Hours of Applying Information Technology to Physical Education Instruction in Universities




Purpose: This study aimed at investigating the interaction effect of two-factors on the weekly teaching hours of applying information technology to physical education instruction in universities and at understanding the applying status of physical education teachers. Three independent variables were considered, including course property, time access to computers and school property. Methods: Questionnaire survey and two-way ANOVA. Results: For the weekly hours of applying information technology to physical education instruction, technical course teachers were classified into a special group, which includes a high-usage subgroup of teachers having 11-20 years in access to computers and another quite low-usage subgroup of teachers with 01-10 years in access to computers; and teachers having 11-20 years in access to computers were also classified into a special group, which includes a high-usage subgroup composed by sports university teachers and another low-usage subgroup composed by general university teachers. In addition, the variable "time access to computers" was recognized as an important index for judging the weekly hours of applying information technology to physical education instruction. Conclusion: Employing twoway ANOVA to test the difference between the weekly uses was a useful way to reveal special phenomena. Based on these findings, this study made recommendations for public reference.


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