  • 期刊


A Study of Knowledge Sharing Behavior of Professionals in Physical Education and Sports




Based on the theory of planned behavior, the purpose of this study was to construct a model to predict knowledge sharing behavior among professionals of physical education and sports. Specifically, ”intention to share knowledge” was specified to be influenced by perceived behavioral control, attitudes towards knowledge sharing, and subjective norm concerns, and knowledge sharing behavior was specified to be influenced by intention of knowledge sharing. A self-developed ”questionnaires of knowledge sharing behavior among professionals in physical education and sports” was adopted as the research tool. Based on stratified random sampling, 666 valid questionnaires were collected from professionals of physical education and sports in Taiwan. The data was analyzed by structural equation modeling with LISREL (8.72). The results of this study include the following: 1) ”Perceived behavioral control” is the best predictor of ”intention to share knowledge”. In addition, ”attitudes towards knowledge sharing” and ”subjective norm concerns” also have significant positive impacts on the intention. 2) ”Intention to share knowledge” was most influential in ”knowledge sharing behavior”. ”Perceived behavioral control” was also positively associated with the behavior. 3) Based on theory of planned behavior, the model fitted the data well with all the interrelationships positive. The modified model of this research can well explain elementary school teachers' knowledge sharing behavior. The conclusion of this study was that knowledge sharing behavior of professional personnel of physical education and sports is influenced by knowledge sharing intention, perceived behavioral control and attitudes towards knowledge sharing. Comparatively speaking, the intention was the most critical factor, and behavioral control is the next. That is, professional personnel who have more willingness and better capability share knowledge more intensive.


