

近幾年來正子斷層造影檢查(Positron Emission tomography, PET)在醫療界發展的相當迅速,國內目前有九座醫用迴旋加速器(cyclotron)在生產PET用放射性藥物,在生產放射性藥物工作環境,工作人員容易接受高劑量輻射暴露。本實驗是在評估醫用迴旋加速器(cyclotron)工作人員體外輻射暴露之劑量負荷,主要包含了工作人員在調劑放射性藥物,氟-18去氧葡萄糖(18F fluorodeoxyglucose, 18F-FDG)及運送放射性藥物時,指部及全身所接受體外暴露之劑量及分析工作環境對於人員劑量之貢獻。實驗所採用的劑量計包括指部的指環劑量計(finger-ring TLD)及工作人員所佩帶的熱發光劑量計(thermoluminescent dosimeter, TLD),並且每月計讀一次,以獲得當月之累積劑量。研究的方法爲,統計新光醫院迴旋加速器中心自92年01月起至93年12月底止,6名工作人員於調劑藥物及運送過程中,每月人員的指環劑量與TLD劑量佩章的讀值,將數據利用統訓一分析加以評估。本實驗測量結果,製藥組與品管組之人員其軀幹平均有效劑量分別爲0.51mSv/y及0.13msv/y;手指部之平均等效劑量分別爲148.33mSv/y及40.37mSv/y。雖然醫用迴旋加速器的工作人員劑量雖比一般其它部門的工作人員高,但是皆符合法規規定的劑量限制值。但仍要盡量減少工作人員停留在高劑量區及調劑藥物所需的時間,並在調劑藥物時選用適當的屏蔽及遠離射源。


Recently, the Positron Emission Tomography (PET) has developed quite fast in the medical industry. In Taiwan, there are now nine medical cyclotrons to produce PET radiation pharmaceuticals. The staffs easily received the highest radiation exposure dose in the production environment of the radiation pharmaceuticals. This study was performed in order to evaluate the radiation dose exposed to the technicians as a function of the cyclotron measuring device used in the technicians’ drawing out of 18F fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) when processing and transporting the radiation pharmaceuticals. The main evaluation is to measure the radiation exposure dose accumulated in the technologists' finger and whole body. In order to measure the staffs' exposure, the technologist wore different badges containing thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) and their monthly whole body TLD and finger-ring TLD accumulated were recorded the TLDs accumulated in their whole body as well as in their finger-ring were recorded every month. For this study, six technicians worked form January 2003 until December 2004 transporting and drawing out the radiation pharmaceuticals, and their monthly whole body TLD and finger-ring TLD accumulated were recorded. The statistic data were derived from the evaluation and analysis. 1he result showed that the drawing out pharmaceutical group and the quality control group staffs received an average effective dose of 0.51 mSv/y and 0.13 mSv/y respectively. The hands of the former group apparently received exposure a much higher then a much higher exposure than the latter group, with an average equivalent dose of 148.33 mSv/y and 40.37 mSv/y respectively. However their exposure dose did not exceed the limits regulated in law. In conclusion, reducing excessive radiation exposure to workers by minimizing the time spent in close contact with the radiation pharmaceuticals. increasing the distance from the source and providing suitable protective shielding devices would be the most effective approaches.


