  • 期刊

New Diagnostic Reference Level Building for Digital Mammography in Local Hospital



Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among females in worldwide, and many women die from this disease. Mammography is general population and primary examination used by doctor to diagnose breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to establish local diagnostic reference level (LDRL) in our hospital. The DRL has generally been defined as the seventy-fifth percentile of the distributions of mean glandular doses from the samples of females. In addition, this study recorded relative parameters to analyze all data and estimated the relationship between the mean glandular dose (MGD) and the female ages, compressed breast thickness (CBT). The results of this study show MGD values increased proportionally to the different CBT. The MGD values tend to decrease with increasing age. And the LDRL of CC view and MLO view was 1.21 mGy and 1.25 mGy respectively in 2013, and was 1.18 mGy and 1.25 mGy respectively in 2014. They were close to the other literatures and even lower from the same manufacturer and system. In order to obtain accurate diagnostic information and keep "as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)" principle, the fully implement of QC programs in all mammography is necessary.


乳癌為全世界女性最常見的癌症之一,許多女性因罹患乳癌而死亡。而乳房攝影更是醫師最常用於診斷乳癌的初級檢查工具。此篇研究目的主要為建立本醫院數位乳房攝影系統之診斷參考水平(Diagnostic Reference Level, DRL),乳房攝影診斷參考水平根據英國醫學物理與工程學會(Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, IPEM)的報告以從隨機取樣之女性受檢者中所獲得的平均乳腺劑量(Mean glandular dose, MGD)分佈之第75%數值作為診斷參考水平。此外,本研究亦紀錄每一組檢查的相關條件,並分析所有數據,評估平均乳腺劑量分別與女性年齡及乳房壓迫厚度(Compressed breast thickness, CBT)的相關性。研究結果顯示平均乳腺劑量會隨著乳房壓迫厚度成比例增加,且會隨著女性年齡的增加而減少。本研究於2013 年建立的醫院診斷參考水平分別為頭尾投影像(Craniocaudal view, CC view )為1.21 mGy,內外斜面投影像(Mediolateral oblique view, MLO view)為1.25 mGy;於2014 年建立的頭尾投影像1.18 mGy,內外斜面投影像為1.25 mGy。這些結果與其他文獻之數值相近,甚至比同一廠牌系統的文獻數值更低,因此為了獲得準確的診斷資訊,並維持合理抑低"As low as reasonably achievable, ALARA"的原則,完善的乳房攝影品質管控是相當重要與必要的。
