  • 期刊


Evaluate Bone Mineral Density in Hysterectomy Women's Total Hip Joint


骨質疏鬆症是一重大的公共衛生問題,主要影響停經後婦女,但因子宮切除的年輕女性引起雌激素缺乏,也增加了低骨密度的風險。採回溯性方式收集做過常規雙能量X光骨質密度之停經婦女,其年齡介於35~65歲自然停經及全子宮切除之女性,共計135位。取得對照組平均停經年齡為51.5±1.9歲;實驗組平均停經年齡為36.2±3.9歲,變異數分析P值=0.565>0.05,表示全子宮切除術女性髖關節骨質密度0.786 g/cm^2較自然停經女性的髖關節骨質密度0.796 g/cm^2低,但在統計學上無顯著差異。平均停經年齡51.5±1.9歲的自然停經婦女研究中,以左、右髖關節的骨質密度以51~55歲組最低(左:0.783、右:0.784 g/cm^2),其他年齡組數骨質密度值則變化不大;全子宮切除之婦女各年齡組數骨質密度值平均為0.759 g/cm^2。整體而言,自然停經的女性髖骨平均T-score為-1.7,10年後因骨質疏鬆引發骨折風險為9.1(FRAX),而全子宮切除的婦女髖骨平均T-score為-2.1,10年後因骨質疏鬆引發骨折風險為10.3(FRAX),故可藉由停經初期測定骨質密度結果,預測老年期骨質疏鬆風險,並適當予以治療。


Osteoporosis is a major public health issue, mainly affects postmenopausal women. But hysterectomy of young women n estrogen-deficient also increases the risk of low BMD. Collection done conventional dual-energy X-ray bone density of menopause. Women aged 35 to 65 years with natural menopause and total hysterectomy. The mean menopause in the control group was 51.5 ± 1.9 years; in the experimental group, the average menopause age was 36.2 ± 3.9 years. The P value= 0.565> 0.05. That total hysterectomy female hip bone mineral density (0.786 g / cm^2) than the natural menopause in women's hip joint bone density (0.796 g / cm^2) was low but not statistically significant. The mean menopause was 51.5 ± 1.9 years of natural menopause, bone density in the left and right hip joints was lowest in the 51-55 age groups. Other age groups, the number of bone mineral density changed little; total hysterectomy women in each age group average number of bone mineral density 0.759 g / cm^2. Women with hysterectomy average hip-T-score of -2.1, 10 years after the lead due to Osteoporosis fracture risk 10.3 (FRAX). Predict the risk of senile osteoporosis by measuring the bone density results at the early stage of menopause, and treat them appropriately.
