  • 期刊


A Study of Experiential Value, Involvement, Satisfaction, and Behavior Intention for Marine Leisure and Sports


目的:本研究旨在建構並驗證 「海洋休閒運動體驗價值、涉入程度、滿意度與行為意圖模式」 並瞭解路徑關係情形與影響程度。以前往北海岸及觀音山國家風景區、東北角暨宜蘭國家景區、東部海岸國家風景區與澎湖國家風景區三個區域,實際從事海洋休閒運動參與者為研究對象,有效樣本384份,以便利抽樣發放問卷;在參與者背景特性、體驗價值、滿意度、涉入程度與行為意圖之描述統計、信效度分析,以SPSS for Windows22.0進行統計分析;探討體驗價值、滿意度、涉入程度及行為意圖各變數間之關係與模式適合度,採用結構方程模式來進行資料分析。結果:海洋休閒運動「享樂性」體驗價值感受最高,「吸引力」是主要涉入程度;在結構方程模式顯示海洋休閒運動體驗價值、涉入程度、滿意度與行為意圖模式是一個可接受的模式;體驗價值主要透過涉入程度來影響行為意圖;涉入程度為重要的中介變項;而體驗價值對於行為意圖呈現負向的關係係數。結論:未來產業應著力於打造「運動型活動」特色,掌握享樂性需求,關注如何提升涉入程度的吸引力,在體驗活動規劃能朝向放鬆心情且令其感受物超所值的海洋休閒運動內容來規劃;涉入程度是重要的中介變項,未來研究納入其他中介因子來探討與行為意圖之影響關係。


享樂性 吸引力 中心性感受


Purpose: This study aimed to construct and verify a "model for experiential value, involvement, satisfaction, and behavior intention of marine leisure and sports", and to explore the relationship paths and the degrees of influences. The research subjects were people who had actually participated in marine leisure and sports in four areas, namely North Coast and Guanyinshan National Scenic Area, Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area, East Coast National Scenic Area, and Penghu National Scenic Area. 384 of the questionnaires were valid. The sampling method adopted was convenience sampling. SPSS for Windows 22.0 was used for the descriptive statistics, reliability and validity analyses with the data of the subjects’ background properties, experiential value, satisfaction, involvement, and behavior intention, in order to explore the relationships among the variables, including experiential value, satisfaction, involvement, and behavior intention, and model fitness. SEM was applied for data analyses. Result: The highest experiential value of marine leisure and sports was "pleasure", and the most important aspect of involvement was "attraction". The SEM result showed that the model with experiential value, satisfaction, involvement, and behavior intention was an acceptable model. The influence of experiential value on behavior intention was mainly through involvement. Involvement was an important mediating variable. The correlation coefficient of experiential value and behavior intention was negative. Conclusion: In the future, the industry should focus on developing the feature of "sports events", taking the demands for pleasure into consideration, and putting efforts in improving attraction to increase involvement. When planning for an experiential activity, the aim should be marine leisure and sports activities for relaxation with contents beyond their values. As it was found that involvement was an important mediating variable, in future research other mediating variables can be included to explore their relationships with behavior intention.


pleasure attraction feeling of centrality


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