  • 期刊


High-intensity interval training and aerobic capacity in Women


有氧能力對於運動員和一般民眾而言,都是一項很重要的要素。傳統上,長距離慢跑(long slow distance, LSD)的訓練,常被用以促進有氧能力,例如最大攝氧量(maximum oxygen uptake, VO2max)。不過,LSD訓練可能會有過度訓練傾向而增加運動傷害的風險。近年來,高強度間歇訓練(high-intensity interval training, HIIT)被發展用以提升有氧能力,同時,伴隨著短時間與高效益的訓練益處。HIIT訓練是一種運動模式,之前的研究較多關於男性的有氧能力表現。本文希冀藉由文獻回顧,探討高強度間歇訓練對女性有氧能力之影響。本研究在綜整現有相關文獻後發現,高強度間歇訓練能顯著提昇最大攝氧量(maximum oxygen uptake, VO2max),此外,個體的總體脂及腹部脂肪,在訓練後也有明顯的改善。


Aerobic capacity is an important element for athletes and the general public. Traditionally, the long slow distance (LSD) training has been used to promote aerobic capacity, such as maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max). However, LSD training might increase the risk of overtraining and sports injuries. The high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been recently developed to enhance aerobic capacity with the benefits of time efficient and training. The high-intensity interval training is a mode of exercise, previous studies of HIIT focused more on aerobic performance in men than women. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of HIIT on aerobic capacity in women. In this study, after synthesizing existing literature, it was found that high-intensity interval training can significantly increase maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max). In addition, the individual's overall lipid and abdominal fat also improved significantly after training.


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