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Literature Review of Justice Perception in the Sports Field




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Fair or unfair? Fairness is an important and unnegligible issue that affects all age groups in all fields. As long as a group exists, there will be discussion about justice perception. It has been proven in many organizational fields that perception of justice affects an individual's performance and emotion. However, literature related to justice perception was insufficient in the sports field. Thus, this article first introduced the concept of justice perception in organization research and three dimensions that influence the interpersonal processing of the leaders and the members of an organization. In addition, research on justice perception in the sports field was reviewed. The development of a five-dimension measurement for sports was introduced, as well as the effects of coaches' justice on athletes' emotional response and behavior. Finally, the concept of referee's justice was proposed. To conclude, the perception of justice is extremely important to athletes' emotion and it may affect athletes' personal performance as well as the atmosphere of a team. Researchers could focus on team sports and enrich the diversity of research sample in the future. Furthermore, qualitative approaches such as interview are suggested to better understand players' perceptions of justice and the influence.


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