  • 期刊


The application of regulatory focus theory in the research of sports and leisure consumption behavior




促進焦點 預防焦點 消費者 產品


There has been a lot of theoretical research on regulatory focus in many fields, however, it has received little attention from researchers in the field of sports and leisure consumption behavior. Regulatory focus theory divides people into promotion focus and prevention focus according to different goal orientation. When people's current focus orientation is consistent with the received environmental information, it will achieve the adaptation effect and increase the goal value they are pursuing or carrying out. Through literature review, this study first introduces the basis of regulatory focus theory, then discusses the research on consumer behavior related to regulatory focus theory, and finally proposes the feasibility of applying this theory to consumer behavior in the field of sports and leisure. Through literature collection, it is found that sports and leisure products are the same as general daily life products, and both can be combined with the regulatory focus theory. In the direction of research topics, future researchers can explore regulatory focus theory how to combine with the 4P strategies in sports and leisure consumption behavior to enrich the research topics of regulatory focus theory in this field. In the application of research methods, it is suggested that questionnaire survey method and experimental research method should be adopted in the future to break through the gap of existing domestic research. As such, it might be increased the comprehensiveness of regulatory focus theory research methods in the field of sports and leisure consumption behavior to provide future researchers with references.


promotion focus prevention focus consumer product


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