  • 期刊


Research on the analysis chart of baseball batters' hit points-Take the 2020 Chinese Professional Baseball Championship as an example




This research mainly discusses the impact point analysis of the left and right batters of the domestic professional baseball grade level on the hitting ball types of the left and right pitchers, and analyzes the distribution of each hitting point and counts its proportion as the key tactics for the victory and defeat of the game in the future and the policy of collecting data in the future. Research purpose: This paper discusses the analysis of the different types of shots hit by the left and right pitchers against the left and right batters. Method: Using the videotape system observation method to study the 7 games of the 2020 Chinese Professional Baseball Championship, a total of 7 games played right-to-right 95 balls, right-to-left 184 balls, left-to-left 54 balls, left-to-right hits 46 balls for a total of 379 balls. Results: When the right pitcher is against the right batter, the batter's attack straight ball (37.5%) is lower than the change ball (62.5%), and the attack change ball mostly falls on the left half; When the right pitcher plays the left batter, the ratio of the batter's attack straight ball (47.5%) is similar to that of the change ball (52.5%). The attack direction straight ball mostly falls on the left half and the change ball falls on the right half; When the left pitcher is against the right batter, the batter's attack straight ball (63%) is higher than the change ball (37%), and the attack straight ball mostly falls on the middle left half; When the left pitcher attacks the left batter, the batter's attack straight ball (62.7%) is higher than the change ball (37.3%), and the hitting point falls more in the middle. Conclusion: (1) In Taiwan's professional baseball-level games, the direction of attack and the defense are the keys to victory, and data collection is even more important. (2) Record the hitting direction of different ball types, and effectively cooperate with teammates to defend the formation. During practice, you can strengthen training for this purpose to improve the efficiency of defense. (3) While the batter has strength, he should also have the ability to control the direction of the shot, so as not to cause the team's offense to be unable to connect in series.


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