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Exploring the Influence Factors and Performance Efficiency of College Baseball Hitters' First Swing: Take the Best Eight Teams in 2020 University Baseball League as an Example




打擊表現 數據分析 上壘率 球種 球數


Purpose: The first swing is the start of an active attack of a baseball hitter in each plate appearance (PA). To understand the factors that influent the first swing, this study examined the performances and the results under different ball counts and ball types. Method: Forty-eight hitters who had more than eight PA in the best class and whose teams entering the quarter-final in 2020 University Baseball League were selected as the participants. Their hitting performance during each sampling matches were notated for analyses. The effects of ball types and ball counts on the results of the first swing were computed by using repeated measurements of Two Ways ANOVA. In addition, Pearson correlation was calculated for the on base percentage (OBP) and the rate of hit (RH) of the first swing. Results: Significant interaction was found in ANOVA of ball types and results. Simple main effect showed that the rate in all the results of the first swing for fast ball were higher than those of breaking ball except that of swing and miss. The appearance of first swing was found most in the tie of ball counts. The relationship of OBP and RH showed significant. Conclusion: The performances of baseball hitters were influence by the ball types and ball counts and related to OBP.


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