  • 期刊


Action research on the integration of emotional education in performing arts section-A case study of the ninth-grade students in junior high school




Emotion education is becoming more and more significant nowadays. The study, applying action research to inspect the performance of scheduled curriculums and propose a teaching reflection and the connotation of professional growth, was mainly to investigate the feasibility of applying emotion education to the field of art. There were thirty-two participants involved in total who were in ninth grade. The course lasted six weeks (six classes) and was taught by visual art and performance art teachers simultaneously. The data collection techniques are including worksheets, feedback from the co-teacher, interviews, and recordings of learning outcomes. The results of this study indicated that exploring individual emotions physically allowed students to release their emotions in groups, and students were able to have deep discussions about their emotions. In addition, releasing emotion effectively enhanced students' motivation toward learning and revealed their feelings deep inside. The students experienced a wide variety of ways to relieve emotions and were guided to adopt appropriate ways to release emotions positively through this curriculum. Moreover, the curriculum of emotional education should be adjusted flexibly to adapt teachers' expertise and students' requirements. By combining emotional education and art education, this study aims to encourage and inspire teachers to bring emotional education into their classes as well.


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