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Invagination of Thinking Subjects: Lacan and Derrida




拉岡 德希達 套疊 思想主體


Since R. Descartes, philosophy has long detached the subject from itself and equalled it to a comprehensible object. In this so-called dichotomy between subject and object, the dichotomy is merely an illusion. Subject is no different from the external world; it is merely something presupposed by the knowledge of the external object, a substitute or shadow of the external object.By contrast, psychoanalysis has always insisted that the subject never be understood from a dichotomy of subject and object relationship. It is not a Cartesian cognizing or cognized subject, but a prey caught in the dynamic, economic, and topographical network; or to put it in J. Lacan's view, it is a prey caught in the dialectics of desire between enunciating (énonciation) and enunciation (énoncé). If this is one of revolutions that psychoanalysis brings to the modern time, then is this revolution completed?Viewed from the archaeology of knowledge proposed by M. Foucault, we may question that if the modern living subject has undergone the trial of psychoanalysis, then how about the thinking subject? In other words, why can a proper name represent a body of thought or a theory, such as Lacan's psychoanalysis, Foucault's thought, or J. Derrida's deconstructionism? Situated in an era of psychoanalysis-to borrow what Derrida borrowed from Foucault (here the double borrowing has revealed the paradox of thinking subject)-how should we describe the genealogy of thinking subject?A body of thought (psychoanalysis) and three or four proper names (Freud, Foucault, Lacan-Derrida) will serve as the paper's starting point on ”invagination” of thinking subjects.


Lacan Derrida invagination love thinking subjects


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