  • 期刊

Correlation between Mouth Malodor in Children and the BANA Test

孩童口腔異味與舌頭BANA TEST相關性之探討


目的:本研究之目的是爲了探討幼兒口腔異味與舌頭上覆蓋細菌之相關性。 材料與方法:研究對象共368位年齡介於三到十歲之兒童,包括:(1)自2003年到2004年間到美國密西根大學兒童牙科就診的一百五十位兒童;(2)在台灣四個不同兒童牙科門診就診的兩百一十八位兒童。研究方法:為針對口腔有異味的兒童,進行舌頭細菌的收集並用BANA TEST試紙進行厭氧菌的檢測。 結果:在所有的美國樣本中的兒童,40%的兒童有口腔異味的問題,而在這些兒童中,55%的兒童顯示在舌頭上有BANA positive的細菌。在所有的台灣樣本中的兒童,32.1%的兒童有口腔異味的問題,而在這些兒童中,51.4%的兒童顯示在舌頭上有BANA Positive的細菌。 結論:舌頭上這些BANA positive的細菌可能在造成兒童口腔異味的成因中扮演重要的角色。


Purpose: The purpose of this investigation was to determine if a connection could be found between the presence of these periodontopathogens on the dorsal tongue and mouth malodor in the children. Materials and Methods: One hundred and fifty children aged 3 to 10 from pediatric dentistry clinic at the University of Michigan, School of Dentistry in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA and 218 children were seen in four different pediatric dentistry clinics in Taipei were enrolled in this study. When child’s mouth malodor was detected by 2 examiners, the tongue samples were collected by using cotton tip swap. The wiped portion of the swab that contained the coated material was wiped on the lower reagent strip of the BANA card to run the BANA test. Results: Forty percent of the American children were detected positive for the presence of mouth malodor. Among these children, 55% were tested positive and/or weakly positive for the presence of BANA positive anaerobic periodontopathogens in the tongue. Seventy of the 218 Taiwanese children (32.1%) were detected positive for the presence of mouth malodor. Among these children, 51.4% were tested positive and/or weakly positive for the presence of BANA positive anaerobic periodontopathogens in the tongue. Conclusion: BANA hydrolyzing bacteria in the dorsal tongue might be an important source of malodor production in the oral cavity of young children.


Children's Mouth Malodor Tongue BANA Test
