  • 期刊


Oral Health Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in Caregivers of Aboriginal Children in Remote Area of Kaohsiung County


研究目的:本研究擬探討高雄縣偏遠山區之原住民學齡前幼童主要照顧者的口腔保健知識及態度對其幼童潔牙習慣之影響。 方法:採立意取樣調查法,進行橫斷式研究。以2007年至2008年間就讀幼托園所的3-7歲316位幼童(160位男童,156位女童)為對象,施行口腔檢查,針對主要照顧者進行口腔保健知識及態度及其子女潔牙習慣的問卷調查。再以t-test及ANOVA檢定進行比較分析。 結果:偏遠山區的原住民學齡前幼童的平均齲齒盛行率為95.6%,填補率僅有10.3%;主要照顧者本身的口腔保健態度良好,然而口腔保健知識程度卻很差,影響因素包括教育程度及職業。有六成的幼童每天刷牙1次,甚至不刷牙,可推測是受主要照顧者的口腔保健態度所影響,且在統計上具有顯著性負相關(p=0.0138)。 結論:這些偏遠山區3-7歲原住民幼童有較不好的口腔健康,其潔牙習慣受主要照顧者的影響,彰顯出對主要照顧者施行衛生教育的迫切性;本研究結果提供口腔保健相關資料,作為制訂偏遠山區之口腔公共衛生政策參考。


Purpose: The study is to evaluate the relationship between oral health practice of children and oral health knowledge, attitudes of caregivers in aboriginal children in remote area of Kaohsiung County. Material and methods: This study is a cross-sectional and purposive sampling. We collected 3-7 years old children (160 boys and 156 girls) for oral exam and questionnaire survey for oral health knowledge and attitude during 2007-2008. Data were analyzed by t-test and ANOVA (p<0.05 was statistically significant). Results: The average prevalence of dental caries in aboriginal children in remote area of Kaohsiung County was 95.6%, filling rate was 10.3%. The results show that oral health attitude of caregivers was fair, but the oral health knowledge was poor. These results were affected by education degree and occupation of caregiver. There was showed 60% of children brush teeth once every day or did not brush teeth that significantly affected by oral health attitudes of caregivers (p=0.0138). Conclusion: Within oral health education it is clearly important to caregivers of aboriginal children in remote area of Kaohsiung County.
