  • 期刊


Strategic Voting under Proportional Representation: The Case of Finland





In Taiwan there is a shortage of studies on the politics of European countries. The purpose of this paper is to study Finland's political party system and its electoral system. Finland uses Proportional Representation (PR) system with at least two special features, namely multi-districts with various magnitudes and seats are distributed on the basis of a district (rather than nationally). Candidates may be nominated by political parties and by voters' associations. There is not a single dominant political party. There are three larger parties each with 20-30% of votes and a number of smaller parties. The government is normally formed by several parties or alliances. In general, under the PR system, voters need a lot more information and knowledge to practice ”strategic voting”. However, strategic voting does exist under PR. In the case of Finland, strategic voting is even more difficult because of its multi-district system. Due to lack of information and difficulty in collecting data, this paper only serves as a preliminary study on this subject in hope that more studies are forthcoming.


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