  • 期刊


Legal Analysis on Taking Government Procurement as the Tool of Promoting Demand-Driven Innovation Policy-Experience from the "Government Procurement Innovation Project" of TEKES, Finland


根據OECD報告,OECD各國因財政壓力與公部門服務面臨到的未來挑戰,其創新政策正朝需求導向轉向。所謂需求導向的創新(demand-driven innovation policies),指由過去側重於研發、線性式的創新模式(a linear model of innovation),轉變到更多元、全方位考量的創新循環(full scope of innovation cycle)模式來進行創新政策的規劃。在此創新典範的轉移下,過去被視作“給定要素”的市場及需求因素,成為政策關切的焦點。需求導向的創新模式賦予行政機關至為關鍵的角色,因行政機關掌握了可用來推動需求導向的創新模式之關鍵政策工具。尤其是政府憑藉龐大的購買力,擁有強大的拉力可以誘發創新需求、以先導性使用者(lead user)的身份來建立指標性效果、更廣泛地發揮創新的外溢效果,使政府採購成為各需求導向之創新政策工具中的核心政策工具。然而政府採購創新為發展中的新創新政策概念,其實施經驗有限且政策評估機制尚待建立,因此如何落實政府採購創新至為仰賴跨國的經驗交流與資訊分享。芬蘭素有創新之國的美譽,面對氣候變遷、老年化社會、水資源危機、能源效率使用等未來挑戰,芬蘭國家創新局TEKES在2008年的經濟危機之後,正以OECD報告點出的需求導向的創新政策,重新規劃其國家創新政策,而政府採購創新正是其採用的核心政策工具,TEKES也據此推動了具體的政府採購創新行動計畫。本文以該計畫為例介紹政府採購創新的概念及芬蘭經驗,供我國政策參考。


According to the OECD report "Demand-side Innovation Policies", due to financial deficit and new future challenges for public service, the public sector of the OECD countries is shift to the so-called demand-driven innovation policies (DDI policies). DDI policies refer to a policy trend from focusing on research and development-a linear innovation model-to a model of full scope of innovation cycle, which takes into more comprehensive considerations in innovation policy planning. Under the new innovative paradigm, the "market" and "demand" factors, which are regarded as "the given factors’ in the past, become focus of policy concerns. The government executive plays a critical role in the DDI model. As the most powerful buyer in public services, a government executive may use its huge purchasing power to induce needs for innovation. As a lead/pilot user, a government executive is able to promote innovation with wider spillover effects. In this regard, "innovation in government procurement" is deemed a core policy tool of the DDI policy. However, as a concept in developing, the implementation experiences of "innovation in government procurement" are limited; an evaluation mechanism for this policy tool remains to be established. Hence, how to implement "innovation in government procurement" relies heavily on experiences exchange and information sharing between government agencies. Finland, knowing as a country of innovation, is taking the solution of "innovation in government procurement" in confront with new future challenges, such as climate change, aging society, water crisis, energy efficiency, etc. After the economic crisis in 2008, Finland defined their new "National Innovation Strategy", which followed DDI policies as observed in the OECD report. In line with this national innovation policy, the Finnish National Innovation Agency (TEKES) planned and promoted a project of "Innovations in Public Procurement". This paper explains the concept of "innovation in government procurement" and introduces the TEKES project for our policy reference.


ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT [OECD], Demand-side Innovation Policies 7 (2010), http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/download/9211031e.pdf?expires=1362543998&id=id&accname=ocid56015828&checksum=4C98CB4467D60EFD7E905D4533B8D162 (last visited Mar. 11, 2013)
OECD.Demand-side Innovation Policies.,未出版.
Kincsö Izsak & Jakob Edler, TECHNOPOLIS, Trends and Challenges in Demand-Side Innovation Policies in Europe 3 (October 2011), http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/newsroom/cf/_getdocument.cfm?doc_id=7011 (last visited Mar. 11, 2013)。
PRO INNO EUROPE & INNO POLICY TRENDCHART, Mini Country Report/Finland under Specific Contract for the Integration of INNO Policy TrendChart with ERAWATCH 15-16, 17 (2011-2012) (December 2011), http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/innovation/files/countryreports/finland_en.pdf (last visited Mar. 18, 2013), at 17.
(Kincsö Izsak & Jakob Edler, TECHNOPOLIS, Trends and Challenges in Demand-Side Innovation Policies in Europe 19 (October 2011) at 22, 17, 10-11, 8.).
