  • 期刊


The Regulatory Framework and Its Development of Canadian Indigenous Right to Self-Government


1763年的『皇家宣言』(Royal Proclamation of 1763)確立印地安部族的法律地位與性質,承認印地安部族是「民族」的概念,且為當代加拿大政府與原住民族間建構了條約協商的機制。加拿大原住民族自治的權利是建構在政府的實踐態度與協商原則,據此所發展出依據原住民族主體意願及發展環境需要,而提供了許多彈性的政治安排與設計。但其規劃上有一個最低的底線:在維持國家對外主權的統一下,保障國家內部政治制度安排的多樣性。 相較於我國『原住民族自治法草案』的擬定上,原住民族自治仍難脫國家體制下的法律框架,且存有過多的不明確立法條文,恐有違反原住民族自治權作為憲法基本權之憲法保留與明確性原則之疑,極易造成未來法規衝突與解釋的困境。本文旨在藉由探究加拿大原住民族自治權的權源論證與當代建構,強調以族群主流化的觀點,將有助於臺灣社會重新面對族群主體性思考的學習,然則,本文亦在提醒,在政治的操作上「民族自治」與「內部殖民」的邊界距離其實是「一念」之遙。


Royal Proclamation of 1763 affirmed the legal status of characteristics of indigenous nations, which formed the foundation for implementing contemporary treaty-negotiation mechanism between the Canadian government and Indigenous nations. Indigenous right to self-government is build upon Canadian government's approach to implementation of the inherent right and the principle of negotiation; and that has developed into various approaches, taking into account differing needs and circumstances, and to be flexible on the specific arrangements which may be negotiated. But, the bottom line is indigenous right of self-government will operate within the framework of the Canadian Constitution. Comparing with ROC's Draft Bill for Indigenous Self-government, indigenous right to self-governance and autonomous power under the draft setting is strictly circumscribed and reserved for central and/or local government authority. It is truly an imposed system ultimately controlled by the executive departments. This premise is completely contrary to the notion of self-government espoused in international human rights laws and indigenous fundamental rights embedded in the ROC Constitution. This paper aimed at justification of the regulatory framework and its contemporary development of Canadian indigenous right to self-government.


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