  • 學位論文


A Study on Aboriginal Title and Customary Property Law

指導教授 : 吳從周


本文嘗試提供對原住民土地權利保護一個現行法體制內的論證依據, 首先,試圖從民法第一條習慣法已經判例法化出發,強調習慣法的關鍵 要件「法之確信心」(opinio necessitatis),已經轉換為由法院加以確認或 宣示,法院扮演重要的機關,因此法院應該在此問題上扮演更重要的角 色。其次,參考加拿大法對於原住民族傳統土地權利保護所累積的豐富 的法院案例與學說理論,歸結出原住民土地權利的特性包含了重要的: 1.文化要素,亦即主張土地權利之原住民族,應證明特定土地係該族群 獨特文化所不可或缺者;以及2.時間的要素,亦即原住民族應該在新移 民政權接觸以前就繼續而排他性地占有使用土地;3.傳統土地權利應集 體行使主張以及不可任意轉讓與個人之特殊性。 最後,物權法在民國98 年修正以承認習慣法物權作為創設社會所需 要的新型態的物權種類,緩和物權法定主義的嚴格性,正為解決此長久 以來困擾社會族群以及法院實務原住民土地權利問題,提供解決的良好 契機。從習慣法結合物權法之要件,論證以習慣法物權證立原住民傳統 土地權利的可能性。原住民傳統習慣如已具備1.物權要件之公示性(= 具排他性之繼續「占有」),「排他性之掌控」之「占有原則」;2.習慣法 要件中之事實上之慣行(=「反覆而排他性地」占有);3.習慣法要件 中最關鍵的「法之確信」,特別結合考量應該以原住民土地權利的「文 化要素」,作為承認原住民傳統土地權利為習慣法物權,與承認或創設 其他習慣法物權最大的區別特色所在。亦即,主張土地權利之原住民族, 只要能夠提出證明特定土地係該族群獨特文化所不可或缺者,則該「獨 特文化不可或缺」之部分應可認定為已內化為原住民的確信,確信其有 此土地先占權存在,而推定當地居民對於該土地即享有一定之權利,且 不因嗣後新政權之進入而喪失土地之權利。結論則肯認法院應該在上述 要件具備後宣示原住民具有「先占」取得不動產之習慣法物權。 本文期待法院負擔更大的對人民權利的保護任務,有朝一日原住民 到法院打官司時,法院能夠採納本文這樣的看法,給原住民在土地權利 上更完整的保障。


The thesis tries to seek a base inside the systems of existing law in Taiwan for Aboriginal Title. First, article one of Civil Law provides a resource for “Customary Law.” In this article, customs could be a source of law when the significant situation was neglected by the legislators. “Opinio necessitatis” is the key element to transfer customs into customary law. There were many theories for Opinio necessitates to be ascertained, however, this element is construed as an act of court, which is one of the compelling theories in Germany after World War II. Second, this thesis attempts to analyze the elements of acknowledging Aboriginal Title in Canada in Chapter Three. The supreme court of anada considers elements of the culture of peoples, time, and the Sui Generis etc. when establishing the standard of proofing Aboriginal Title. In those decisions in Canada, they elaborated on concreting those elements. If it is qualified of factors “Prior Occupation” and “Opinio necessitatis”, the aboriginal peoples could assert Aboriginal Title toward the land. The former includes exclusive occupation and existing at the point of Crown sovereignty, is the factor indicates the characters of property. This thesis attempts to justify the Aboriginal Title in Taiwan Civil Law system, instead of in the field of dministrative Law or in Public Law; and finds a more direct and specific solution to aboriginal land issue.




