  • 期刊


South Korea's Transition to Democracy: Gwangju Uprising as the Watershed




Among the new democracies in Asia, South Korea can be said as the country that tackles the issue of historical rectification with the most active approach and effective outcome. Although there are hurdles on the road to democracy, public consensus and supports act as catalysts behind the efforts toward democratization; they also serve as a strong backing to the implementation of transitional justice. As the result of incessant appeals lodged by civic organizations and the opposition parties, redressing Gwangju and purging history became a collective public consensus that transcended regional divide. One must not underestimate the role of Minjung (people's) movement in South Korea’s democratization; in other words, it was via Minjung movement that the South Korean propelled the country's democratization and purged the past.27 years of military dictatorship under Park Jung Hee and Chun Doo Hwan had imprinted South Korea's political culture and bureaucracy with lingering military prerogatives. Effort undertook by the Roh Tae Woo and Kim Young Sam administrations to thoroughly nationalize the military and have it answered to civilian authorities therefore also marked as an important factor in the country's democratization.The task to purge the past would not have gone smoothly if it were to go straightly to Kim Dae Jung's rule and not the five-year baffle period under the Kim Young Sam government first. South Korea went through Roh Tae Woo to Kim Young Sam that formed coalition with military power, and then to Kim Dae Jung who originated from the opposition camp. It was through such a historical evolution that the gigantic tasks of transitional justice and democratic reforms were completed.Lastly, the growth and maturity of the opposition parties and their political choices and a sense of historic mission also played a key in the country's path toward democratization. In the late 1980s, the opposition parties held a majority in the parliament, which provided a venue for the opposition to flex its muscles. Coupled with the force it garnered from street protests, transitional justice was actualized via legislation in the parliament. As such, it paved a foundation of law and order in the new democracy's implementation of transitional justice.


518史料編撰委員會(編)(2005).518 民主化運動.光州:光州廣域市廳.
518紀念財團網站(2005).518 民眾抗爭.光州:518 紀念財團出版.
光州MBC,2003。《美國的選擇之後─518 特輯》(電視專輯)。光州文化放送電視台出品。5. 18


