  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Probability of Cross-strait Military Conflicts and Taiwan's Countermeasures




This article is to analyze the scenarios and complying types of attack that China would launch to Taiwan as well as the United States' concerns on providing Taiwan military assistance, and China's fundamental thoughts and attitudes on responding the US military assistance to Taiwan. I argue that whether China would initiate a military operation to Taiwan depends on Beijing's estimation to the possibility that Taiwan will yield under its military attack, and the strength of military collaboration in between Taiwan and the United States; the former will decide the choice of Beijing's armed operation, while the latter will influence not only China's decision on whether to launch an armed attack to Taiwan but also directly to the success or failure to its operation. Therefore, Taiwan should improve the basic trainings of its ground forces to get itself well-prepared for bridging the US military assistance at the time, which will make the United States less hesitated and more quickly and comprehensively prepared to assist Taiwan with its armed forces thereby giving Taiwan's security more concrete assurance.


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自由時報,2021a。〈美智庫學者:拜登不夠堅決抗中恐讓中國更大膽奪取台灣〉《自由時報》(https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/3517360 )(2021/7/15)
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