  • 期刊


Thailand Military Regime and Defense Developments as well as Its Regional Role




Thailand's geo-strategic location is located in the heart of the Southeast Asian continent. Since the implementation of the constitutional monarchy in 1932, military coups are common, the civilian administration is more focused on dealing with non-traditional threats, and military administration is inclined to use force to solve traditional threats, and thereby consolidate political power. Thailand's national defense command system is under the command of the supreme executive head to control the use of armed forces, but when the military is in power, the spirit of civilian control takes the form. In terms of force structure, the proportion of Navy and Air Force is small, and the formation is large, but less equipment, the future to meet economic development to protect SLOCs and air support of national defense needs, it is not easy. In addition, the importance of Thailand's geo-strategic position has become a key player in the current U.S.-China competition in the South China Sea. While Thailand intends to adopt a balanced strategy between the U.S. and China, Thailand's military regime will continue to cooperate with the U.S. and democratic countries and act as a navigator for Southeast Asian and ASEAN when the U.S. intends "interests supersede values" in the Indo-Pacific strategic framework.


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