  • 期刊


The Current Strategy of Thailand on Regional Integration: A Structuralist Explanation


泰國位處中南半島的中心位置,其區域戰略的發展具有獨特的歷史脈絡,以及不同於半島上其他國家的目標。立基於泰國追求半島上中心地位的歷史脈絡,本文整理其自冷戰後的區域╱次區域整合策略的發展,做為後續分析的起點。亞太(包含亞洲)地區的區域整合態勢,在21 世紀的第二個十年明確地發展出中、美競合的「G2」格局。雙方並提出兩種迥然相異的區域整合模式,劇烈牽動中南半島上的地緣政治、經濟地景。泰國面臨此一變局,採取「一推(美)一拉(中、日)」的方式,謀求自身傳統地緣戰略目標的實現。


Located at the geographical center of the Indo-China, Thailand developed its regional/sub-regional strategy in a unique historical context, different from any other country in the peninsula. Inherited from its history of pursuing the central role in the Indo-China, Thailand has initiated or participated in economic integration projects or platforms after the end of the Cold War, in the purpose of establishing its regional/sub-regional centrality. Since the 2nd decade of the 21st Century, however, the competition between two economic integration modules generated by the US and China respectively has reshaped the political economic landscape in the Asia-Pacific Region. This also impacts ASEAN and the peninsula. The author argues that, responding to the changes, Thailand introduced the influence and offers of China and Japan for rebalancing its relationships with the US, which used to incline to the interests of the latter.


