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Changes and prospects of US-China relations under Biden Administration




Xi Jinping ever expected Biden to take over Trump's anti-China policy and turn it into a policy of more engagement. But it appears that Biden follows Trump's policy on China and the anti-China atmosphere is even worse. The anti-China coalition led by the US in the Indian Pacific region has taken shape covering at least three fields: intelligence, economy and trade, and military affairs. Previously, the report of the 19th national congress at the end of 2017 had revealed Xi's inner world of internal centralization and external expansion. In the second half of 2021, Xi carried out comprehensive internal rectification and reform, resulting in serious damage to China’s own socio-economic ecology. U.S.-China relations become more sour and confrontations are growing. Biden's security policy firmly lists China and Russia altogether as the biggest threat to the US, but after all, China is the main target and Russia is only secondary. Beijing's Winter Olympics covered China from US serious attention temporarily and Putin's invasion of Ukraine did not change Biden's original strategic intention, the political reality that the United States is determined to encircle China is difficult to reverse. Taiwan can only choose a Democratic Alliance dominated by the US. The more exchanges and cooperation between Taiwan and China will make Taiwan fall into more dependence on China. Hence, it is a royal way for Taiwan to survive by "separating from China, marching to the world."


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