  • 期刊


The Linkage and Coordination of Sectoral Chain across the Taiwan Straits


區域經濟一體化是當今世界經濟發展的一大潮流。以克魯格曼(Paul Krugman)為代表的新經濟地理學派認為,它能夠帶來生產轉移和投資轉移,提高整體區域的福利水準,因而受到越來越多國家和地區的青睞。台海兩岸一衣帶水,同屬華夏文明,在資源和產業方面優勢互補,蘊藏著巨大的比較經濟利益,實行區域經濟一體化發展成為兩岸加強合作交流的必然選擇。 區域經濟一體化的進程取決於多方面因素的作用,產業連接是其中最為重要的經濟變數。在過去的幾十年裏,隨著台商對大陸不斷加強投資與貿易,兩岸間的經貿往來越來越頻繁,投入產出鏈條的聯繫也愈加密切。現在的問題是,在已有基礎上,兩岸間的產業合作需要發生突破性的進展,儘快建立整體區域的產業連接機制,推動產業鏈的對接與協調,從而實現兩岸經濟的一體化發展。


區域經濟一體化 產業鏈 中國 臺灣 農業


Regionalization is one of major trends of the world economy. The emerging new geo-economics led by Paul Krugman believes that regionalization can bring about production diversion and investment diversion as well as upgrade the level of overall regional welfare. Against the background, economic regionalization has become increasingly popular among countries and regions. Both sides of the Taiwan Straits are in the China Proper and maintain each other's strengths in resources and sectors in a complementary way. With the enormous potential of comparative economic benefit, it is a natural course for China and Taiwan to reinforce economic interactions through the regionalization of their economies. The progress of economic regionalization depends on functions of several factors. Among them, sectoral linkage is one of the most important economic variables. In the past few decades, with the reinforcing Taiwan's investment and trade with China, cross-Straits economic interactions have become more frequent and intimate and sectoral linkage thus is strengthened. The current task is how to make a breakthrough in sectoral cooperation in a comprehensive way in the future and eventually to realize the economic integration of both sides of the Straits.


