  • 期刊


Assessing Taiwan Firms' Niche from the Development Trend of E-paper Industry


在國際原物料漲聲不斷,全球環保意識抬頭的同時,具有低耗能、省電、輕便性且可減少紙張消耗等優點的電子紙產業,因其具備節能效益而深受好評,此產業也因此被各方所看好,即將成為明日之星。本文著重於台灣電子紙的產業競爭優勢分析,電子紙是顯示器產業中最被看好的新興產品。電子紙的應用市場廣泛,除了在常見的電子書上應用外,也包含電子標籤、智慧卡、廣告看板、學校告示看板等。軟性顯示器中的電子書、電子紙應用是一個創造性的應用市場,未來使用電子紙閱讀的方式有可能取代筆記型電腦、行動裝置市場,DisplaySearch(2009)市調機構預估,全球電子紙面板產值將由2009年的4億美元,成長到2015年的60億美元;在2018年將接近百億美元。對於顯示器而言是開拓新市場領域之新開端,亦即顯示器將進入另一大幅成長之年代。競爭優勢分析主要是根據以下理論基礎:1. Porter(1990)國家競爭優勢理論模型:國家競爭優勢理論又稱鑽石模型,其分析的目的在於判斷一個國家或地區可否讓某一產業蓬勃發展,使得此一國家具有競爭力,分析台灣電子紙產業之競爭優勢條件。2. Porter(1985)價值鏈分析:以價值鏈做為全球競爭策略的基本分析工具,瞭解台灣電子紙廠商在全球策略上於價值鏈中主要研發、製造活動佈局及如何將價值鏈中主要的生產、銷售活動配置於何處,以利於創新並提升競爭力。3. SWOT分析是一種競爭態勢分析方法,透過分析台灣電子紙產業的優點、弱點與競爭市場上的機會和威脅,可在制定產業的發展戰略前對產業進行深入全面的瞭解以及競爭優勢的定位。本研究分析台灣電子紙在技術應用產業的競爭優勢,所得結論如下:1. 台灣電子紙產業受利於應用產品數量增加將大幅成長。2. 台灣電子紙產業的優勢主要為產業分佈完整。3. 產官學研間研發聯盟,電子紙關鍵專利已掌握在國內,我國廠商仍須在產品技術上更加努力開發。


Given the surging prices of raw materials in the international market and the rising global environmental awareness, E-paper Industry has emerged as a rising star for the future industry due to its advantages of low energy consumption, electricity conservation, portability, and the reduction of paper consumption.The focus of this article is on a niche analysis of Taiwan's E-paper Industry. E-paper is one of the most promising new products in the display monitor industry. E-paper can be employed in a wide range of markets, including electronic label, smart cards, advertising space, and school space in addition to the application to the commonly used E-books. The application of E-books and E-paper is a creative applicable market. In the future, reading E-paper could replace notebook and mobile device market. According to Display Search, the output value of global electronic paper display (EPD) is expected to grow from US$400 million in 2009 to US$6 billion in 2015 and up to almost US$10 billion in 2018. For display, this prediction not only ushers a beginning of exploring new market, but also implies an advance into an era of enormous growth.


Display Search http://www.displaysearch.com.tw/
Porter, M. E.(1990).The Competitive Advantage of Nations.New York:Free Press.
Porter, M. E(1985).Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance.New York:Free Press.
Andrews, K. R.(1971).The concepts of Corporate Strategy.Homewood:Dow-Jones Irwin.


