  • 期刊

The Defence of East Timor: Australia's Role



東帝汶防衛軍(East Timor Defence Force, 縮寫為ETDF)在2001年1月31日正式成立,是東南亞最新成立而規模最小的防衛力量。其成立宗旨為:防衛東帝汶人民與領土;在天然災害或是其他危急狀況時,在政府當局的請求下提供民間所需的協助。東帝汶防衛軍預期將於2004-2005年間臻於完備,成為相當專業的輕裝部隊,含正規軍與志願後備軍,共約3,000人。然而在建軍的過程已存在一些基本問題。東帝汶防衛軍之基本戰略與防衛理論基礎仍有問題,其成軍過程主要決定於財政與政治因素。東帝汶成立之初面臨許多安全挑戰,但是遭到軍事攻擊的可能性低於其所面臨的生存威脅,因為一個民主國家所可能遭遇的困難包括經濟病、年輕人失業的問題、社會失調與犯罪(含有組織的跨國犯罪)。但是東帝汶防衛軍所獲得的資源,若與外交部、警察部門或是更長期的其他負責發展具有生產能力的經濟基礎建設與治理的部門相較有很大的失衡現象,使本來可用於服務與行政業務的資源大為減少。未來可能導致政府機關失敗而ETDF崛起。 本文從東帝汶防衛軍的成立之初開始分析,並且詳述防衛軍成立時所遭遇之問題,並且引用倫敦的國王學院所做的研究,其中包含三種可能的防衛軍武力結構的選項。至於東帝汶防衛軍的未來前景,由於東帝汶防衛軍之成立堪稱是當時政治權宜與財政事實的產物,而非出自於戰略與防衛的審慎縝密的考量。其規模與構成反應出需要儘速滿足越來越感到沮喪的Falintil(是東帝汶一支很有勢力的遊擊武裝力量,曾與印尼軍隊打了25年遊擊戰),因為3,000軍力(含括主要由前Falintil士兵為主的1,500常規軍)勉強可以接受,同時又要維持防衛預算低於350萬美元。至2005年,東帝汶或許會擁有一支相當專業的輕裝步兵部隊,其三個營的常規軍將與東南亞其他的許多陸軍營一樣好。然而,有些問題卻已明顯浮現,如有些訓練的標準低落、軍官所受的專業訓練與教育不足。此一缺點在十年內將難以解決。此外,東帝汶防衛軍內部存在社會與語言不平衡之問題,此一問題必須在其完成建構第二營前解決。在海軍方面,兩艘巡邏艇所面臨到的需求將會是多方面的,且將會發現運用與維持的費用將是相當可觀。更基本的是,ETDF是被組成來因應不可能的情境,萬一真的發生亦將不足以對付。東帝汶遭受大規模的軍事威脅的可能性微乎其微,而所面臨的安全挑戰是東帝汶人民能否對抗游擊隊。


The East Timor Defence Force (ETDF), which was officially established on 31 January 2001, is the newest and the smallest defence force in Southeast Asia. Its mission, according to the founding regulation promulgated by the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET), consists of: a. providing for the military defence of East Timor, its people and its territory; and b. providing assistance to the civilian community at the request of the civilian authorities during natural disasters and other emergencies. It will be, when fully formed in 2004-05, a fairly professional and capable light infantry force with 3,000 troops (including both regulars and volunteer reserves). Its proficiency will reflect both the wealth of experience in guerrilla warfare accumulated by its Falintil core over the 23 years of Indonesian occupation, as well as the skills and principles imparted by its Portuguese and Australian mentors since 2000. However, some fundamental questions have been begged in the process of establishing the ETDF. The basic strategic and defence rationale for the new force remains problematic, while the process has been essentially determined by political and financial factors. The new East Timor faces numerous security challenges, but these are less likely to be military attack than threats to its viability as a functioning democratic state from economic malaise, youth unemployment, social disorder and crime (including organised trans-national crime). But there is a gross imbalance in the resources being devoted to building up the defence force as compared to the other security-related organs-the Foreign Ministry, the Police, and, over the longer-term, the East Timorese agencies responsible for the development of a productive economic infrastructure and for governance.


East Timor ETDF Australia


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