  • 期刊

Australia and the United States: New Directions under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd



複雜的澳美關係是以兩個因素為基礎。其一,澳洲是個地廣人稀、居於亞洲邊緣的國家。這使得澳洲人在歷史上一直擔心安全,不斷尋求強大友邦的保護。在二次大戰前英國扮演此一角色,而二次大戰期間由美國所取代。迄今澳美兩國仍維持防衛關係。其二,大多數澳洲的商業利益是著眼於確保進入世界最大市場美國的通路。近年來,尤其是在霍華德的自由黨政府期間,兩國走得很近,有人稱過於親密。澳洲追隨美國派兵到阿富汗與伊拉克支持美國的反恐戰爭。除政治合作外,澳洲又與美國簽訂自由貿易協定,通常被視為是對美國外交提案政治支持所獲得的商業報酬。而陸克文(Kevin Rudd)工黨時代的澳美關係走向會如何?會比較減少對美國的支持抑或是回到歷史的模式以經濟利益為優先的親密關係?


陸克文 澳洲 美國 澳美關係


The complex relationship between Australia and the United States is based on two factors. First, Australia is a thinly populated country located on the edge of Asia though its people are mostly of British/European descent. This has led Australians, throughout the country's history, to be concerned about their security and they have consistently looked to a 'great and powerful friend' for protection. Before World War Two the United Kingdom played this role, but during the war the UK was replaced by the United States, and the defence linkages between Australia and the US are still in place today. Second, most Australian commercial interests are keen to ensure access to the American market - the largest in the world. Hence there are both security and economic reasons underpinning the Australia-US relationship.In recent years, especially under the Howard Liberal government, relations between the two countries were close - some say too close. Australia followed the US lead in moving troops into Afghanistan and Iraq, and supported the US in its war on terror. In step with this political cooperation Australia signed an FTA with the United States, often viewed as a commercial reward for its political support of America's foreign policy initiatives. What direction, then, is the Australia-US relationship taking under the Rudd Labour government? Will this government be less inclined to support the United States, or will historical patterns and economic imperatives mean a continued close relationship?


Australia the United State Kevin Rudd rising China
