  • 期刊


An analysis of the social science courses of the general education curriculum at 13 specialized universities in Taiwan


單科大學實施通識教育可拓展學生的知識廣度,不過,在實施時會面臨一些困難與挑戰。為瞭解單科大學辦理通識教育的情形,本研究以臺灣四類(教育類、藝術類、體育頸、醫學類) 13所單科大學為研究對象, 匯整其103學年度社會科學類通識課程資料,先將課程依學門分頸,檢視課程多樣性,再逐一審視各學門的科目。本研究的主要發現如下:一、藝術類和教育類大學的課程多樣性(有開課的學門數、總科目數)不遜於綜合大學;二、體育類大學的社科類課程仍有改善的空間;三、社會科學類通識課程開課取向依學門不同;四、藝術類與醫學類大學有發展具「學校本位課程」特色的通識課程。本研究可作為各大學辦理通識課程之參考,也可供教育界思考如何更提升通識課程之品質。


In an attempt to understand how specialized universities implement general education in the face of limited resources and other internal challenges, this study analyzes the social science courses of the general education curriculum provided by 5 medical universities, 3 universities of arts, 2 sport universities, and 3 universities of education, This study examines the diversity and the nature of these courses. It is found that universities of education and universities of arts provide diverse courses to students whereas sport universities do not offer sufficient courses. In addition, disciplines vary in their approaches to course design. Finally, several universities of arts and medical universities have provided courses that can be seen as "school-based curriculum". The data and findings of this study may assist colleges and universities in planning and reviewing their social science courses of the general education curriculum.
