  • 期刊


Relationship between pre-vocational training and the employment for clients in a community rehabilitation center-A retrospective case control study


目的:探討慢性精神病友之社區復健功能、儀容修飾能力、工具性日常生活功能(IADL)、基本社交技巧、工作訓練階段及藥物自我管理等級等六項因素,與就業間之相關性。方法:本研究採回溯性之病例對照研究設計(Case Control Study),回溯期間為2009年至2014年,接受臺灣中部某社區復健中心復健訓練之慢性精神病友,六年間共結案56人(就業組25人、未就業組31人)。結果:工作訓練階段對「就業」有顯著影響,但其他變項則無。第三階段以上之工作訓練其就業率為56.0%、第二階段以下之工作訓練其就業率為35.5%;高階段工作訓練對低階段工作訓練的勝算比有7.31。結論:持續參與社區復健訓練對精神病友之就業具有正面影響,復健中心規劃的進階式職前訓練模式,對未來成功就業具有重要影響力,透過本研究的發現,可做為擬定復健計畫與職前訓練之參考。


Objective. This study aims to discover the impact of the six factors, including community rehabilitation function, grooming, instrumental activity of daily living scale (IADL), social skills, medication adherence, pre-vocational training on employment. Method. We used a retrospective case control design study, tracing back from 2009 to 2014. There were total 56 participants enrolled (25 participants employed and 31 participants unemployed) from community-based rehabilitation program for chronic psychiatric patients in central Taiwan. Results. The results showed that the most influential factor for employment is prevocational training stage, other factors showed no significant differences. The employment rate above the pre-vocational training stage 3 is 56.0%, and below the pre-vocational training stage 2 is 35.5%; and the odds ratio is 7.31 for higher prevocational training stage to lower. Conclusion. Advanced pre-vocational training model has to provide more opportunities to pre-employment training .This study suggests for improving vocational outcomes for community-based rehabilitation center while planning rehabilitation program, and regular participant have positive impacts.


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