  • 期刊


An Analysis of Land Use and Its Registration System of Non-Urban Land in Taiwan



我國土地法所稱土地登記制度,向來係兼採民法物權編之德國權利登記制以及澳洲托倫斯制,並將兩者融合而成一種新的權利登記制,該種新權利登記制具有「實質審查」以及「登記具公信力」等特色,並供作執行土地政策之工具,惟隨著社經條件變遷,長期以來,因格於諸多困難(如登記人員無司法調查權以辨別登記相關證明文件之真僞),現行土地登記制度之「實質審查」幾與「形式審查」無異,而淪爲「書據審查」,於是,學者對於現行土地登記制度之定性,向來即有爭議。 最近最高行政法院九十三判字第一○四三號判決認爲:「土地使用」與「土地登記」兩者不具關聯性,土地登記簿所載「土地使用分區與類別」並非登記之「內容」,無關登記之「公信力」,且土地登記簿所載「土地使用分區與編定類別」並不構成人民信賴保護之基礎。此一見解適與台中高等行政法院九十一訴字第三八二號判決之見解相反,究竟何者見解爲妥,筆者認爲有詳研必要,爰爲文予以評釋,並藉以探討土地法第四十三條若干問題。經分析後本文並不贊成最高行政法院見解,蓋若採取此種登記制度將會致使現行土地管理總效益下降,並將增加土地登記之行政與訴訟成本,最後,本文呼籲土地登記主管機關若欲將「權利登記制」轉爲「契據登記制」,則宜先研妥相關法制措施,以爲因應。


Our land registration system according to the ”Land Act” is originated from the ”Registration System of Title” in Germany as well as the ”Torrens Title Registration System” in Australia. This land registration system has many characters with e.g. ”Trust Effect” as well as ”System of Material Review” etc. This system can be also as an important tool to carry out respective land policy. Nevertheless, with changing of socioeconomic conditions, the ”System of Material Review” as mention above is, in fact, almost with no difference from the ”System of Formal Review”. Therefore, there are much strong debate regard to the characters of our existing land registration system. Nowadays, the No.1043 of the ”Supreme Administrative Court” points out that there are no relationship between ”land-use” and ”land registration”. Besides, the land-use zoning and its regulations belong not to ”content” of the land registration. Therefore, the ”content” of the land registration is not considered as the base of ”Protection of Trust” for land-owners. On other hand, the ”Taichung High Administrative Court” is with an opposite viewpoint. What could be the reasons? Therefore, this article is tried to analyze this issue based on the ”Transaction Cost”. After analyzing, this paper proposes some suggestions for the authorities of land registration and with assumption of changing of land registration system from the ”Registration System of Title ”to ”Registration System of Deeds” in Taiwan in the future.


