  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Institutional Evolution of Agricultural land Between Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 陳明通


農地或農地管理是現代政府與人民或是說統治者與被統治者之間,建構權力與利益關係的重要關鍵所在。一個國家是否具有完善的土地或農地制度,如何去管理與登記,涉及到政府治理的目標,以及對其領土與人民政財之取得與政治合法性等因素。因此農地制度自始至終都是政治議題的範疇,臺灣與中國大陸的農地制度與其他土地治理政策也都無例外。 綜觀兩岸農地制度演變來看,自1949年國共內戰之後兩岸分別治理。在中國大陸方面實行共產主義,農地制度是以社會主義為主走向國有集體所有制,到了1978年中國大陸改革開放後共產社會逐漸發展成一個具有中國特色的市場經濟體制;而臺灣方面農地制度就延續著資本主義私有制發展至今,鑒於兩岸農地制度淵源同流,雖歷經不同體制的發展但仍有其制度文化脈絡上的關聯性。同時兩岸也呈現出在二個不同體制之下,有不同農地制度發展經驗上的特殊性,因此本研究期能藉由兩岸農地制度變遷的關聯性與特殊性,就其演進過程探討其中的異同與優劣之處,俾提供兩岸未來農地制度變遷之參考與建議。 兩岸農地制度雖然是兩個不同體制,進行變遷的方向也不盡相同。本研究結果從兩個面向來說明,首先從兩岸農地制度的演變過程之中,發現在變遷目的上是有相似的地方,在手段與結果上就有不同的發展成效與影響。其次從臺灣與中國大陸農地制度的現況來看,兩岸農地制度目前所面臨的土地細碎化、農舍宅基地的管理、農地的徵收、耕地的流失、農村的結構及農民的老化等幾個重大問題。大致上是趨於相類似的,雖然某些問題的內涵,在不同體制上是有一些不同的呈現,但從問題本質而言可以說是相似的,因此在農地制度需要儘速解決的幾個重要議題上,如何妥適處理是兩岸要各自面對及解决的。


Agricultural land management plays a critical role in building interests and power relations between the ruler and the ruled. Whether the government has established agricultural land systems and implemented land registration indeed refers to management goals, access to territories and political legitimacy. Hence, agricultural land systems from the start are involved in political issues, the land management policies in Taiwan and Mainland China were no exception. In the historical view point, Taiwan practiced land transformation according to the spirit of the privately-owned land in 1949, but Mainland China practiced land transformation according to the spirit of the government-owned land in 1949. After China adopted the Reform and Open Door Policy in 1978, it has instituted a socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics. But at the same time, private land ownership under capitalism has been well developed in Taiwan. This study aims to explore cross-strait institutional evolution of agricultural land in the degree of difference and correlation. The findings of this study are explained in the following two aspects. First, the goals of land transformation between Taiwan and Mainland China are similar, but the measures and outcomes are quite different. Nowadays, the major problems on both sides of the Taiwan Strait such as land fragmentation, farm management, farmland expropriation, agricultural land losses, structure of rural area, and aging farmers all need urgent solution.


柯志明、 Selden(1988)。〈原始積累、平等與工業化:以社會主義中國與資本主義臺灣為案例之分析〉,《臺灣社會研究季刊》第1卷第1期,頁22。
