  • 期刊


The Analysis of R. O. C. Trade Secret Law



我國的營業秘密法自民國八十五年一月制定通過,施行至今,數年來隨著世界經濟局勢的變動,貿易型態的改變及智慧財產權保護觀念的提昇,目前無論實務或學界,對營業秘密法條文本身規定與適用尚有曖昧不清,界限模糊之處,實務上常因僱傭期間內保密契約的制作或競業禁止條款的限制,及僱傭期間終止後或離職後競業禁止的約束,而產生許多糾紛,因欠缺對不法行爲之過阻效果,影響業者研發意願,而阻撓產業技術移轉。 本文將探討我國學理自己合國際潮流之趨勢,及我國其他相關法律規定,民事法規、公司法、公平交易法、刑法,確認我國有關營業秘密之立法是否妥適,或有另行訂定防制經濟間諜單行法規之必要。並就我國營業秘密法之實體規範、司法實務及我國營業秘密法與其他相關法律規定之比較,避免造成不公布競爭,以彌補現行法規缺失,因此建議制定劃分權責與刑貴的相關立法。


Since employee's confidential duty during employment becomes more and more important after the Trade Secret Law of 1996, In the process of protecting intellectual property, the duty of loyalty as well as non-disclosure of trade secret is very important to keep the trade secret How to enforce non-disclosure agreement during or after the employment will be the most difficult part in practice. This article will focus on the trade secret laws of R. O. C., introducing several cases happened in Taiwan and the other related statutes. In order to keep trade secret, parties should make an express contract to deal with the ownership of trade secrets between or among employees/employers and joint owners. Since no penalty and civil liability in the R. O. C. Trade Secret Law (1996), it become very difficult to avoid violation the individual confidential right and to emphasize the importance of information security. Finally, the issue of this paper tries to analyze the weakness of the Law and intends to suggest the other new statutes to comprise the economic espionage criminals.
