  • 期刊


A Study on the Legal System of Eminent Domain in Taiwan


長久以來,我國各級政府機關對於公共建設用地之取得,慣於輕易採行徵收手段, 故土地徵收之件數為數甚多。結果,因土地徵收而引生之爭議,乃至抗爭,相對地亦屢見不鮮。在公用徵收制度中,基本且常見的主要型態為土地徵收,土地包括一般徵收、區段徵收、土地及土地改良物一併徵收等。在我國有關土地徵收之法律規定,包括土地法、平均地權條例、都市計畫法、……等,散見於各種不同法規,由於規定紛歧,形成一制數法之現象,非但執行不便,亦經常發生困擾,尤以土地徵收程序互異,補償項目及標準不一,造成徵收土地之阻力與抗爭。政府為整合紛歧不一之各種土地徵收法規,統一徵收程序及補償標準,於2000年2月制定公布土地徵收專法土地徵收條例,即為我國辦理各類土地徵收之主要法律依據。然而,土地徵收條例自公布施行後,即未曾再作檢討修訂。近幾年為土地徵收之必要性及應徵收之範圍與徵收補償價金,時有爭議, 為因應時代潮流並符合實際需求,政府乃著手修訂土地徵收條例,並於2012年1月6日公布施行(除第30條外)。因此,本文除對英、法、美、日等先進國家之土地徵收制度作介紹外,乃針對我國土地徵收條例所規範各項徵收制度,與實務施行情形論述;同時併就本次修法情形探討分析。


It has been taking land for public construction, accustomed to easily adopt enforcement in many land public expropriation in Taiwan. Therefore, much land disputes and against are often occurred between the land expropriation owners and expropriator. In the land public expropriation legal system in Taiwan, the basic models for land included general expropriation, zone expropriation, and combined expropriation. There are many regulations are including Land Act, Weighted average of land rights statute, and Urban planning Act, etc. Due to the regulations of taking land are presents in different statutes and case condition, the land expropriation procedures and the compensation accounts are difference in precedent case. However, the intent of resistance of Land expropriation was often struggled in Taiwan. Due to integration the different Acts mentioned, the Land expropriation statute was legislated in Feb., 2000, and which is the principal and priority Act of land eminent domain in Taiwan. Because that was never amended from legislation, the necessity, constitutionality, scope and compensation standard in Land Taking for public construction, are often challenged by the Landlord during the expropriation procedure. ln order to response the tendency and practice, the Amendment to the Land expropriation statute are announced and promulgated in January 4, 2012. Based on the discussion above, the purpose of this paper would like to find out the explanation and applicable of modify details of Land expropriation statute in Taiwan, and is also compared with the other Land Public Expropriation legal system from Britain, France, U.S., and Japan. The issues of implementation, aspect, and application would be emphasizing in this Article.


