  • 期刊


The Influences of Service Encounter Factors on Customer Response in Food Service Industry-From the Viewpoint of Dramaturgical Theory


現代企業對完整、良好服務模式的瞭解,是立基於服務及價值創造上,因此顧客與企業間的互動模式實為重要的課題。由於服務接觸的互動特點,本研究認為從劇場理論觀點可提出服務接觸互動完整的模式基礎。過去學者雖然將劇場理論應用在服務交易情境上,但沒有直接指出可應用在服務接觸管理的具體作為,以及對顧客互動後反應的影響。本研究擴展Grove, Fisk, and Dorsch (1998)提出的服務接觸要素模式,探討各項要素對其滿意度及再購意願的影響。研究對象則以大台北地區Friday''''s美式餐廳用餐的顧客為主,發放問卷為150份,其中有效樣本達141位。 結果發現(1)顧客對服務團隊合作、環境整潔、核心服務、服務人員等服務要素知覺對顧客滿意具正向影響、(2)顧客對核心服務、環境清潔、全面自動化、服務團隊合作等要素的知覺及顧客滿意對顧客再購意願具正向影響、(3)顧客的特徵,如性別不同的顧客對交通便利、環境整潔、全面自動化的知覺有具顯著差異,教育程度不同亦對交通便利及服務人員的知覺有顯著差異。


The modern businesses gain their understanding of the service mode through service and value creation. The interaction patterns between customers and enterprises become essential issues required further investigation. The dramaturgical theory is adopted as a comprehensive foundation to examine the service encounter interaction model. Few studies have investigated the service encounter management and the effect of customer response after interaction. This research expands the service encounter components model, derived from Grove, Fisk, and Dorsch(1998), to explore the influences on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. We used a questionnaire survey method and obtained total and effective samples respectively 150 and 141. Three research findings suggest that: First, the work team, spick-and-span of environment, core service and service employees are positively related to customer satisfaction. Second, the core service, spick-and-span of environment, automatic system, work team and customer satisfaction are positively related to customer repurchase intention. Third, the gender exerts significant cognitive differences on traffic convenience, spick-and-span of environment and automatic system, while the education has significant cognitive differences on traffic convenience and service employees.


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NGUYEN, T. T. (2011). 服務品質、知覺價值與再購意圖的關係:越南河內市「吃到飽」餐廳的實證研究 [master's thesis, Kun Shan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6828/KSU.2011.00008
