  • 學位論文


The study of key success factors of Maternal Post-Natal Care (confinement) in Tainan Area

指導教授 : 曾信超 哈冀連


坐月子是中國自古以來的傳統,在大家庭的時代均由親戚朋友幫忙。隨著家庭結構的轉變,孕婦產後常面臨沒人照顧,正是因為如此產後護理中心(坐月子中心)需求增加,但近年來的低生育率連帶使得產後護理中心的生存面臨壓力。因 此,本研究將以台南地區為例對產後護理中心的關鍵成功因素進行研究。   本研究先針對佑生婦產科診所內的產婦進行訪談,以描繪出產婦選擇產後護理中心的流程,再將整個流程區分成顧客滿意、環境品質及購買意願等三個構面,對台南地區的婦女進行問卷調查後,使用SPSS 18的軟體先進行信效度分析後,再藉由 迴歸分析建立出一個再次購買的預測方程式。 由於本人從事產後護理工作,因此,將從實務面藉由問卷分析的結果,對產後護理中心提出具體的建議,供同業未來在經營參考。期望業者能夠藉由自己的不同的特色創造出企業本身的關鍵成功因素。


Mother's proper month-long postpartum rest and recuperation is a tradition of China. In a kinship family, this tradition is kept by relatives and friends. Adapting to family structures, nowadays, almost no one in the family can take care of postpartum mothers. It increases the need of postpartum care centers, but in the recent years, low fertility rate is a difficulty of these centers. Thus in this essay I analyzes the key success factor of a postpartum care center in Tainan. In the beginning of this essay states the interviews with postpartum women in You-Sheng clinic for gynecology and obstetrics and describes their process of choosing a postpartum care center. Last, I divided the process into three parts, that is, customer satisfaction, environmental quality and subsequent purchase. After the survey of the women in Taiwan, I used the software SPSS 18 to analyze its reliability and validity, than I set up an equation of subsequent purchase by regression analysis. I’m engaged in postpartum nursing; hence in this essay I will provide some concrete recommendations to postpartum nursing centers as references for those who are also in this business. I hope they can create their own key success factor by their different characteristics.


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