  • 期刊


Gender Differences in a Comparison of Revised Theory of Planned Behavior Model of Smoking Intention among High School Students




青少年 性別 吸菸 計劃行為理論


Based on research literature and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the study adds the injunctive norms, perceived easy of smoking and perceived easy to reject smoking form a revised TPB model. In the study, experienced smoking objective respondents are high school in Hualien County. To Apply structural equation modeling verify the causal relationship between variables, and analyzed two groups of gender, effect of each specific variable in the revised TPB. These finds are:(1) In revised TPB model, the antecedents that significantly affect smoking behavior intention are perceived easy to reject smoking, perceived easy of smoking, general subjective norm and injunctive norm, only attitude not significantly affects smoking behavior intention; (2) Comparison of the effects of gender differences in smoking behavior intentions, boys of high school significantly affected by perceived easy to reject smoking and general subjective norm; but girls of high school are only affected by perceived easy of smoking. In short, it is recommended to reduce smoking intention of adolescent, first, to provide less cigarettes among friends, but also to enhance adolescent self-control to resist the temptation of smoking. Secondly, teachers are the best source of social pressure to suppress smoking intentions of adolescent.


Adolescent Gender Smoking Theory of Planned Behavior


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