  • 期刊


A History of the Ming Shen Yue Wu's Left to Learn




吳曰慎 周易本義爻徵 史事易 易經 明遺 經學


Wu Yue Shen "Book of the original meaning of Yao Zheng," a book, "Si Ku Quan Shu" uncollected, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, "continued Repair Sikuquanshu "King There are books and essays have a feed, but the feed is said, is to" excellent Yao Zheng, "a book of Overview of the inferior, only lent roughly outline, including the book's purpose is not exhaustive. Recently, some scholars, Wu Yue Shen The biography, writings and "Book of compromise," said Shen Yi Wu cited series Dynasty, "Book of the original meaning of Yao sign" Dynasty Other parts, made to explore, demonstrate not "Continuation Four feeds" and then for many doubts, such as Wu Yue Careful, learn all sorts of problems origin, Wu Yue and Cheng Shen Yi, Zhu learn relationships, etc., are unable to detail clarified. Shen Yue Wu Ming and Qing born when the occasion, this period also learn the history books faction, such as gold Shih Sheng "Within easy pass, "Ye Jiao Ran" Yi shi ", Wang Fu-chih," Book of the rumor, "and so have a book on the occasion. Ming left Jinyu study history to learn something, even something to learn the history of the Qing Dynasty, the Wu His book, is not not involve Hunting also. In this paper, on the basis of previous research, Wu said, trying to be careful, "Book of the original meaning of Yao Zheng," a book, a comprehensive and in-depth research, through analysis of form and content, origin and characteristics of the induction, the value and integration influence, control the appearance and His Book, and on the "Continuation Sikuquanshu Synopsis" The main argument put a fool out of view, slight amendment and supplement a view to enabling next thing left to learn the history of the outline more clearly, then let history things to learn this veins were more complete.


黃忠天先生:〈葉矯然《易史參錄》述要〉,《周易研究》第5 期,2008 年。
楊自平:〈論林希元《易經存疑》的義理發揮與致用思想〉,《中國文哲研究集刊》第32 期,2008 年3 月。
陳韋銓:《金士升易學研究》,高雄:高雄師範大學國文研究所碩士論文,2006年6 月。
黃忠天:〈世變與易學—清初史事易學述要〉,《國立高雄師範大學經學研究所經學研究集刊》第5 期,2008 年11 月。
