  • 期刊


Study of Books Recorded in Hu Yi-Gui's Zhouyi Qi Meng Yi Zhuan Wai Pian - Taking Divination and Dan Tao Types as Discussion Subjects




The Zhouyi qi meng yi zhuan by Hu Yi-Gui, of the early Yuan Dynasty, can be divided into Nei pian and Wai pian in accordance with properties. Nei pian interpreted the Yi-ology and Wai pian the figure-ology. The classification of Zhouyi qi meng yi zhuan can be regarded as a ring of the blend of the figure-ology and Confucianism of the Sung and Yuan dynasties. Hu Yi-Gui not only pointed out that Yi wei, Jingshi yi zhuan, and Long hu jing were the far-fetched works of the later generations but also questioned about other figure-ology classics, which was agreed by most of the scholars of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Wai pian kept the version the same with that of the Tang and Sung dynasties and was quite contributive to the figure-ology literatures. Wai pian recorded eleven figure-ology classics, which were classified into four types, i.e., divination, dan tao, imitation of Zhouyi, and diagram, by the writer of this study. There were five books belonging to divination, including Yi wei, Jiao shi yi lin, Jing shi yi zhuan, Guo shi dong lin and Wei shi yuan bao. Zhou yi can tong qi and Long hu jing fell into the category of dan tao and continued the universe model of Zhouyi's dichotomy of yin and yang. Therefore, a literature review of the seven figure-ology classics on author, source and course, version, authenticity and so on first was conducted in the current study. And then Hu Yi-Gui's philological discussions of the seven figure-ology classics were combined with in order to look into the circulation phenomenon of the figure-ology literatures of the Tang and Sung dynasties and the early Yuan Dynasty scholars' differentiation and analyses of the figure-ology literatures.


〔後蜀〕彭曉著:《周易參同契真義》,收入蕭天石主編:《道藏精華》第13 集之1(臺北:自由出版社,1989 年)
〔宋〕王堯臣等編;〔清〕錢東垣等輯釋:《崇文總目》,收入王雲五主編:《叢書集成初編》(北京:中華書局,1985 年)
陳良運:〈漢代《易》學與《焦氏易林》〉,《中州學刊》1998 年第4 期,頁63-69
沈延國:〈京氏易傳證偽〉,收入章炳麟等著:《中國語文學研究》(臺北:臺灣中華書局,1971 年3 月),頁7-18
