  • 期刊


Analysis of Seismic Hazard Parameters of Lifeline Pipelines on Industrial Parks




The industrial parks are most important facilities to economic development and competitiveness. If the industrial parks suffered natural disasters, which cause widespread impacts, such as people injuries and deaths, building and equipment damage, business continuity operating interruption. The goal of continuous operation of enterprises in the park is to be able to quickly recovery operation after the disaster, limit the impact of disasters, mitigate economic impact or reduce the problems of industrial supply chains interruption. Earthquake disaster is one of the main threats in industrial parks, and the supply of electric, water, gas service is even more important for manufacturers operation. Therefore, this study consolidates the cases of the earthquake disaster impact, in order to understand the disaster characteristics of industrial lifeline pipeline. The results of this study could provide reference for the strategies of earthquake disaster prevention management by the lifeline pipelines.


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