  • 期刊


Experience Learning for Urban Infrastructure Operation Impact During Hazard Event




Urban infrastructure is essential facilities for urban to function normally. Once these facility was damaged by a hazard event, most of urban functions could decrease seriously. Furthermore, the impacts on social, economic, industry and commercial activities might extensively affect the society at both large scales of e time and space. Also urban infrastructure is aggregation of many facilities which constitute the backbone to make any city operational. For this reason, damage individual system could demonstrate chain effects and cause failures to related and connected systems, then leads to cascading disasters. The operation state and interdependency among urban infrastructure during a hazard event is therefore a major concern for disaster reduction of urban hazards. This study considered the characteristics of earthquake disaster management to collect the disaster case for facility failure during hazard event, and discusses the operational impact and vulnerability of urban infrastructure disasters. Therefore, the result of this study assistant the authority to make an intelligent decision for urban infrastructure disaster or resource management.


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