  • 期刊


Practice of Urban Environmental Management: An Investigation under Urban Social Movement Approach


本文主要嘗試由歷史的觀點,將都市發展,放到近代資本主義廣闊的發展歷史中來探討。特別著重的是都市經理形成的過程以及最新的趨勢。作為都市經理最重要的課題,文中嘗試處理歷史發展中,兩股極為異質但又唇齒相依的動力。一種是來自特定階段資本主義的社會發展下,由經濟因素所帶動的社會形構構建的動力;另一股力量,則來自此種形構內生存的社會行動者。一種針對上述結構性社會開展動力,所導致的生存危機感的自我覺醒,而推動了社會運動的展開,且在其發展的歷程中逐漸取得足以抗衡的實力,這兩股力量相依相存的關係,使得無法偏廢任何一方。而其異質且相互矛盾的特質,卻又使得它的經理更為棘手。是否能夠妥善經理這兩種力量,就成了當前都市環境經理上的重大挑戰。 在理論的興趣上,作者則嘗試引用80年代以來,在學界展露頭角並廣泛被討論,且逐漸影響深遠之一種“非線性”的社會發展理論-「調節學派」的觀點,來勾勒資本主義社會發展的動力和開展的方式,再進一步在此脈絡下,探討都市發展和都市經理所遭遇到的課題。




This article sets out to provide from a historical viewpoint an analysis of the urban development in the history of modern capitalism. Its emphasis lies especially on the formation and the tendency of urban management It deals with two different yet closely related motive forces in the development of history. Emerging hi a specific stage of the capitalistic development, the one becomes a motive force of the formation of social structure that is brought about by economic factors. The other one comes from the society itself which exists in this structure. It functions in the above mentioned structural social and arouses the consciousness of existent crisis, thus it pushes forward social movements and gradually. Acquired two forces it ist impossible to neglect either of them. Their different d contradictory matures make the management even more difficult. Therefore, to manage these two motive forces appropriately has become a great challenge in the present urban environmental anagement. The author tries theoretically to use a ”non-linear” theory of social development-the viewpoint of ”school of regulation”, which has been widely discussed and also has achieved profound influence in the academic circles since 1980s, so give a brief account of the motive forces as well as the form of the capitalistic development and further to discuss the, topics concerned with the urban development and the urban management.


