  • 學位論文


A Study of Decision-making Process during the Urban Regeneration from the Viewpoint of Participatory Governance

指導教授 : 王世燁


本研究藉由參與式治理觀點,探討我國都市再生制度下,政府為主之都市再生其決策過程所產生的問題,首先透過參與式治理理念與都市再生文獻回顧,探討參與式治理理念對於都市再生議程之影響,並以美國Minneapolis鄰里再生計畫為例,探討參與式治理理念的實踐經驗與特徵,再以台北市建成圓環再生案為研究個案,並與美國Minneapolis鄰里再生計畫制度經驗加以對照,探討我國政府為主之都市再生其決策過程的缺失。 經分析台北市建成圓環再生案之都市再生決策過程,並與美國Minneapolis鄰里再生計畫的制度比較後,發現其中規劃程序、民眾參與程度有明顯的不同:建成圓環再生案係由政府部門提案、執行,為由上而下的傳統技術官僚規劃模式,民眾參與的程度較低;美國Minneapolis鄰里再生計畫,則完全授權鄰里居民提案,落實民眾參與精神,係由下而上的民眾參與規劃方式。後者的規劃方式,需經充分地討論以瞭解鄰里內各面向的需求,再由專業團隊協助鄰里居民提出行動策略,以達成鄰里所期望的願景,此過程雖歷時較長,但於規劃過程中,能夠使居民相互瞭解,培養鄰里感,對於鄰里的未來達成共識,並增進鄰里與政府部門協力尋求解決問題的能力。 未來我國相關都市再生案例,應當記取建成圓環失敗的教訓,修正目前由政府部門委託規劃顧問公司制定都市再生方案的規劃方式,並修正都市更新審議會的成員結構,改成由政府部門、地區代表、公正的第三部門各佔三分之一,組成都市更新審議會的決策方式,都市再生計畫方案形成階段,便建立論壇機制,讓地方與社會大眾皆能加入討論,擴大民眾參與的管道,藉由討論的過程中,凝聚共識、互相瞭解、建立互信,共同為未來提出最適合的行動策略。


The purpose of this article is to explore the urban regeneration institution in Taiwan by the viewpoint of participatory governance. First, we describe the definition and principles of participatory governance and its decision-making process. Then we describe the urban regeneration policy in Taiwan and the process of Roundabout Night Market regeneration in Taipei. Finally, we criticize the decision-making process of urban regeneration policy in Taiwan.We find that the urban regeneration institution in Taiwan ignores the value of the citizen participation which is a basic rights in the foreign and there are no just citizen monitoring and evaluation settings in the decision-making process. Therefore we argue that the government in Taiwan should proceed an institutional change for a more participatory and deliberative decision-making model. Therefore, we suggest that the government in Taiwan should proceed an institutional change and put forward some advisement: 1. to establish integrative decision-making settings:when the government addresses multiple issues, they should establish task force for overall planning and managing. 2. to institutionalize public deliberation process:city government must empower citizen authority to make the most suitable policy by citizen forum and consensus conferences. 3. to shape citizen engagement stage : city government should provide citizens the channel to engage in since the beginning of plan projects. 4. to offer effective monitoring and accountability system:citizen can effectively monitor the process of implement and the government has to shape clear accountability for responsibility.


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