  • 期刊


Research on the Effectiveness of Evacuation in Residential in Townhouses Nightfire-Taking Kaohsiung Area an Example


根據內政部消防署(National Fire Agency, Ministry of Interior, NFA-Taiwan)統計近十年火災案件,5樓以下的透天住宅佔建築物火災佔80.30%;0-6時發生的火災死亡人數佔40%,從資料顯示可得知,發生在夜間時段的透天住宅火災為最為致命的火災態樣。本研究利用FDS火災模擬軟體(Fire Simulation System)作為工具,以軟體重建三場發生於高雄地區且奪走住民生命的火災案例,並設定參數模擬住民全部採取就地避難(Evacuation in Residential)方式等待救援結果,分析就地避難策略是否適用於夜間透天住宅火災。經使用FDS輸出相關數據,住民所能安全度過火災期間的時間遠遠超過預期,同時顯示當住民發現現火災的時刻,房間外的環境溫度均已超過生存條件,完全沒有離開居室成功逃生的可能,此模擬結果與現今大眾對於火災求生認知有極大差異。本研究結果如實呈現火災發展過程,未來期望能提供消防單位進行災害搶救模式參考及戰術考量。


The fire reports, released by the National Fire Agency, the Ministry of Interior, Taiwan, indicate that 31,259 townhouse fires take place on the 1st to 5th floors, accounting for 80.30% of overall fires in the past decade. Furthermore, those deadly fires usually occur between 00:00 and 06:00, taking 523 lives and accounting for 40% of overall casualties in those fires. Crossing check of those statistics, the midnight fires take most lives of the townhouses in midnight 0-6. This study utilizes FDS (a fire simulation software) to reconstruct three fatal fire cases in Kaohsiung city. Parameters are set to simulate the scenarios in that all residents take shelter in place (doors closed for rescue- an Evacuation in Residential method) and wait for the rescue resources. The FDS also analyzes whether the shelter-in-place strategy is suitable for midnight residential fires. The outcomes of the FDS indicate that the waiting-for-rescue duration that residents can safely survive the fire is far longer than expected. At the same time, the simulated outcomes also provide an unacceptable fact that no resident can successfully escape from the building if the ambient temperature outside the room had exceeded the living conditions once the residents discovered the fire. Though the simulation results from FDS are astonishing and far beyond the public perceptions of fire survival, the conclusions present the fire development process, both research value and educational significance, truthfully. The authors expect to provide guidelines for disaster rescue measures and tactical evaluation to fire-fighting units in future studies.


Fire Fire Simulation FDS Townhouses Evacuation in Residential


中華民國內政部消防署全球資訊網(2022). “火災統計,” 2022 年 3 月 22 日取自https://www.nfa.gov.tw
氣候天氣災害研究中心網站 (2021). “火災災害與防災,”2021 年 10 月 21 日取自http://www.wcdr.ntu.edu.tw/-28779287972879723475332873845028797.html
中華民國內政部消防署全球資訊網(2022). “火災統計,” 2022 年 3 月 23 日取自https://www.nfa.gov.tw/
E.W. Marchant, “Proceedings of second international seminar on human behavior in fire emergencies: October 29 – November 1, (1978), USA, 221-234.
全國法規資料庫 (2021). “各類場所消防安全設備設置標準,” 2021 年 10 月 21 日取自 https://law.moj.gov.tw/.
