  • 期刊


The Study of Scuba Sports Knowledge Management at a Dive Center


彼得 杜拉克曾言:一個組織機構其中心與重要的機制就是管理,而管理的精髓就是使知識產生作用。本研究針對PADI台灣地區潛水中心及所轄教練進行調查,探討水肺教育至為關鍵角色的潛水中心其知識管理的現況與教學人員的滿意度,以做為其它相同或類似的運動教育產業知識管理之借鏡、建議與參考,並達成提昇運動知識產業教學品質為目標。本研究使用SPSS統計軟體進行描述性統計、單因子變異數、Pearson積差相關、結構方程式及驗證性因素分析等方法。結果如下:一、加強潛水中心之知識管理基礎建設,能有效提升教學工作滿意度。二、知識管理能力非影響教練工作滿意度之因素。三、強化潛水中心之知識管理基礎建設,能加強教練之知識管理能力。四、現行組織結構有待改進以利知識管理之施行。五、工作環境、人際關係及潛水中心規模為影響滿意度之重要因素。本研究建議:一、型塑一合作、信任、重視學習的組織文化可以提升組織績效、增加組織之競爭力。二、增加潛水中心科技投資,使教練投注更多心力於顧客教學之創新。三、建立各種策略聯盟以取得各項知識。


As Peter Drucker has it, ”A manager is responsible for the application and performance of knowledge.” In this sense in scuba diving, dive centers could be considered the core to promoting related training and education. This research focuses on two dimensions of sports management at PADI dive centers in Taiwan: 1) managing expert knowledge and 2) managing the competence of trainers. The outcome could serve as a reference for improving sports training within or outside the domain of scuba diving.A survey carried out for the research indicates that:˙ facilities for knowledge management need development as to better support trainers' need for better performance;˙ the capacity of knowledge management does not account for trainers' satisfaction towards facilities;˙ developing facilities at training centers helps trainers to better perform knowledge management;˙ current structure of the industrial practice needs improvement so as to facilitate knowledge management and;˙ crucial factors that influence satisfaction include the work environment, interpersonal relationships, and the scale of a dive center.Implications derived from the research include:˙ that managers should create an atmosphere that casts good collaboration, trust, and motives for learning within the organization;˙ that managers should invest in the technological development of the dive center facilities in order to enable trainers to focus on better service for clients and;˙ managers should develop strategic allies in diverse fields as sources for various expertise.
