  • 期刊


Study on Value and Enjoyment of Continued Participation by Retired Badminton Player in Amateur Games


本研究目的在了解退役後羽球選手持續參與社會組比賽的價值觀與樂趣之差異情形。方法:本研究採問卷設計法,透過社會組比賽收集本研究樣本,共139人,所得資料經轉換分數後以SPSS 12.0統計軟體進行描述性統計受測者的基本資料,再以獨立樣本t檢定與單因子變異數分析不同背景退役羽球選手持續參與社會組比賽的價值觀與樂趣。本研究顯著水準定為p<=.05。研究結果顯示男性與女性羽球選手在退役後持續參與社會組比賽價值觀在能力性目的價值、社會性目的價值與個人性目的價值三個構面上均達顯著差異。每週不同打球次數、不同球齡與退役後參加比賽等級在社會性目的價值也達顯著差異。在退役羽球選手持續參與社會組比賽樂趣研究結果顯示,不同年齡及每週打球次數達顯著差異。本研究結論為退役後的羽球選手持續參與社會組比賽價值觀著重在成就所屬的社群團體之發展與目標,並藉由持續的參與社會組羽球比賽來滿足自我樂趣。


羽球 價值觀 樂趣


The study aimed to know the difference in the value and the enjoyment of continued participation by retired badminton players in amateur games. Method: Design approach of instrument developing was adopted in the study to collect samples, 139 persons in total, through amateur games. The data collected was transformed to score for descriptive statistics of subjects' general information with SPSS 12.0, which was analyzed by independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA to find out the value and the enjoyment of continued participation by retired badminton players of different backgrounds in amateur games. The level of significant for the study was set at p<=.05. The result of the study demonstrated a significant difference between male and female badminton players after retirement in the three values of continued participation in amateur games including ability purpose, sociality purpose and personal purpose. For the value of sociality purpose, there was a significant difference in playing times per week, years for playing and class of participation after their retirement. The result of the study on the enjoyment of continued participation by retired badminton players in amateur games indicated that different years of playing and playing times per week showed a noticeable difference. The study concluded that the value of continued participation by retired badminton players in amateur games was to facilitate the development and the goal in social groups they belonged to, and their enjoyment was satisfied through continued participation in amateur badminton games.


badminton value enjoyment
