  • 期刊


The Influence of Plyometric Training on Speed, Explosive Force, Agility and Anaerobic Endurance on College Basketball Players


本研究旨在探討增強式訓練的施行前後,對於大專校院籃球選手在速度、爆發力、敏捷性與無氧耐力四方面的能力之影響,比較增強式訓練施行前後之差異性。本研究的研究對象為中原大學籃球代表隊之成員20名(平均年齡21.42 2.17歲,球齡6.27 2.15年,身高178.28 7.80公分,體重72.61 11.53 公斤),以隨機抽樣之方式拆編為實驗組與對照組,受試選手於訓練前進行速度(30公尺衝刺跑)、爆發力(立定跳遠、垂直跳)、敏捷性(20秒反覆側併步)、無氧耐力(折返跑)等項目之前測,並於測驗後進行為期12週的訓練。對照組採取一般籃球專項訓練,實驗組除採取一般籃球專項訓練外,額外進行增強式訓練,並於12週訓練結束後進行後測。將所得測驗結果資料彙整後,透過SPSS統計軟體進行統計分析,以描述性統計對各項目進行探討,並以二因子混合設計變異數分析比較兩組間訓練前後之差異。結果發現:在描述性統計上,訓練過後的實驗組選手在速度、爆發力與敏捷性等五項測驗中的進步幅度皆比對照組選手多。進行二因子混合設計變異數分析後發現,30公尺衝刺跑成績在兩組間及前後測上無顯著性差異,立定跳遠成績在訓練前後有顯著性差異,垂直跳成績在兩組間與前後測上皆呈現顯著性差異,20秒側併步成績在訓練前後有顯著性差異,折返跑成績上則僅有實驗組選手於訓練前後 呈現顯著性差異。


This study aims to compare the differences before and after the plyometric training for college basketball players, and the influence of this training on their speed, explosive force, agility and anaerobic endurance. The subjects are the 20 players from the basketball team of Chung Yuan Christian University (the average age is 21.42±2.17 years old and the average years of playing basketball are 6.27±2.15, the average height of the players is 178.28±7.80 cm and the average weight is 72.61±11.53 kg). Players are divided into the experimental group and the control group through random selection. Their speed (30-meter dash), explosive force (standing long jump and vertical jump), agility (20-second shuffle step) and anaerobic endurance (shuttle run) were pre-tested before the 12-week training. The control group obtained general standard basketball training, while the experimental group received the additional plyometric training beyond the general standard basketball training. A post-test was implemented after the 12-week training. After compiling the test results, the collected data were analyzed by SPSS software, and each item was explored through descriptive statistics. The mixed design of two-way ANOVA before and after the training was conducted and compared. The results show that, in regard to the descriptive statistics, the players of the experimental group exhibited greater improvement in speed, explosive force, and agility after the training, compared to the control group. After the analysis of mixed design of two-way ANOVA there was no significant difference found in the 30-meter dash between the two groups before and after the test. There was significant difference in the scores for the standing long jump in the pre-test and post-test, as well as in the scores for the vertical jump between the two groups before and after the test. There was significant difference in the scores for the 20-second shuffle step before and after the training. There was also significant difference in scores for the shuttle run players in the experimental group before and after the training.
